DC Spensley will participate ART+TECH Festival (2024) in Milan, Italy
🇮🇹Artista, scrittore, tecnologo e musicista, DC Spensley (AKA DanCoyote) è noto per essere stato un pioniere dell'arte e della performance nei mondi virtuali sociali, spingendo i confini dell'esperienza artistica e inventando nuovi modi di usare codice, teatro e performance per trasformare lo spazio simulato in un luogo più umano. Il lavoro di DC è stato esposto a livello internazionale in sedi come Ars Electronica, dove ha ricevuto un premio UNESCO per l'architettura virtuale, Triton Museum, Boston Cyber Arts, Dutch Electronic Arts Festival, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, ISEA e molte altre. Diplomato all'Istituto d'Arte di San Francisco e allievo del CADRE Laboratory for New Media nella Silicon Valley, il lavoro di Spensley è stato citato dal New York Times, dalla Reuters, dal Fibre Culture Journal, oltre che da una miriade di blog e riviste accademiche. Tra gli impegni professionali si annoverano: illustratore principale per il Center for Science Education presso lo Space Sciences Laboratory della UC Berkeley, co-presidente del Sun Earth Connection Education Forum della NASA, scrittore collaboratore di Art21 online e del Bay Area Arts Journal, direttore artistico del catalogo della mostra virtuale Lumen Prize 2020 presentato da Leonardo e architetto virtuale del catalogo della mostra CODAME Essence Festival 2024.
🇺🇸 Artist, writer, technologist, and musician DC Spensley (AKA DanCoyote) is best known for pioneering art and performance in social virtual worlds that pushes the boundaries of art experience by inventing new ways to use code, theater, and performance to transform simulated space into a more human place. DC’s work has been exhibited internationally at venues like Ars Electronica, where he received a UNESCO award for virtual architecture, Triton Museum, Boston Cyber Arts, Dutch Electronic Arts Festival, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, ISEA, and many others. A graduate of the San Francisco Art Institute, and alum of the CADRE Laboratory for New Media in Silicon Valley, Spensley’s work has been written about in the New York Times, Reuters, Fibre Culture Journal, as well as myriad blogs, and academic journals. Professional engagements include Principle Illustrator for The Center for Science Education at Space Sciences Laboratory at UC Berkeley, Co-chair of NASA’s Sun Earth Connection Education Forum, contributing writer for Art21 online, and the Bay Area Arts Journal, artistic director for the 2020 Lumen Prize virtual exhibition catalog presented by Leonardo and virtual architect of the CODAME Essence Festival exhibition catalog 2024.
You can learn more about DC on dcspensley.com
DC Spensley is also part of the team that designed and developed the Virtual Exhibition for the CODAME ART+TECH Festival (2024)