We build ART+TECH projects and nonprofit events, to inspire through experience.

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CODAME shapes the future by building playful ART+TECH projects and hosting inspiring experiences. CODAME events, installations, and workshops connect people of all specialties and backgrounds.
Leveraging technology for creativity requires cultivation. By valuing questions over answers CODAME creates spaces encouraging exploration and discovery. Artists, entrepreneurs, innovators, amateurs, and leaders are all welcome on our journey. Startups, corporations, non-profits, and collectives alike have participated in CODAME style way-finding!
Through your partnership and support, CODAME:
Drives innovation and engagement by embracing creativity & exploration
Shares the value of art in the technology community
Demystifies and makes technology accessible to artists
Members of Intersection for the Arts a 501(c)(3) non profit organization.
Sparked by the network of creative coders, designers, and artists our founders knew from around the world, CODAME was founded to passionately celebrate art and technology. The CODAME brand of immersive, engaging, and out of the ordinary experiences was coined at the inaugural CODAME ART+TECH Festival in 2010 on a foggy rooftop in downtown San Francisco.
Since then we have built...
60+events both public and private
100+projects built in collaboration with artists around the globe
300+tech+artists collective
35,000+ community of top-industry technologists, designers and artists